What a great holiday! Good food, good people, and no awkwardness from bad gifts from relatives that don’thornblower-thanksgiving-cruise really know what you would want. (Fortunately I don’t have much trouble with the last one but I know it’s a common problem for many)

Not only is it a good time to get together and update each other on what’s going on in our lives (speaking for families that are spread across long distances), but we get to share in a genuine feeling off thankfulness and gratitude for each other.

Thanksgiving is by far my favorite. Not only is it 100% American, but it is also 100% pure in that it’s not some commercial event (not including black Friday), the premise of the holiday is genuine, and the only real expectation always comes true PUMPKIN PIE!

This year we have a lot to be thankful for. We have great friends, wonderful family, and a second wedding reception 😉 And as 2008 comes to a close, we are looking forward to what the Lord has in store for us in 2009. I’m not really sure what to be expecting, but I know it will be good.

Happy Turkey Day!
