Category: Dr Visits

Going home today!

We are getting ready to go home. Dr. Huse (the obstetrician who has been taking care of her this week) has filled out all of Natina’s paper work for her PTO and disability leave for work. It’s amazing that T-Mobile is going to give (or at least consider) giving a part-time employee disability! Great job T-Mobile!

Now we’re waiting for the discharge papers to be written up and we’ll listen to some more fetal-heart-tones. Then we’ll be able to go home! I think they’re going to hook Natina up with some kind of liquid pain reliever, which is great since she has trouble with swallowing pills. Thanks again St. Joe! You guys have been great!

Again thank you all for your prayers and support while we’ve been in the hospital.  We love you all so much and are looking forward to seeing you.  I am so thankful for having friends that lift us up and encourage us so well in times of need.  Bless you!

Love and grace,


On the road to recovery

They brought in the ultra sound this morning.  I got to see it this time!  The baby is doing really good.  It’s had a steady heartbeat of around 160 every time we check. Great news to know that the baby is doing fine and did great with the surgery!  (They checked it immediately after surgery as well, for those of you who were wondering.)

Natina’s eating on her own and getting better gradually.  Food is mostly liquid right now (chicken broth, pudding, water, apple sauce, apple juice) but it’s food and it’s staying down!  She’s moved from “pain” as her response when we ask to “sore.” So she’s definitely getting better pretty quickly.  They’ve also moved her from morphine to another pain killer (I can’t remember the name right now), it lasts longer and I think they’re going to prescribe it for her when we go home.

The doctors and nurses here have been really great.  I’ve been impressed with their nursing staff as well.  Everyone is really nice and caring.  Thanks St. Joe!

Good times (sarcasm implied), but we’re almost done.  It’s so nice to see her getting better finally!  Especially after days of nothing working.

Thanks for taking time to stop by and see how she’s doing!


She’s back in our room here at the hospital recovering now from the surgery.  The doctor said the surgery went really smoothly, there were no complications and she did not loose any blood.

I’m pretty impressed by the whole no loss of blood bit.  Any surgery you would expect to loose some blood.  But for there to be no loss of blood is pretty impressive to me.

Keep praying for her though.  She’s recovering from the surgery now and is in quite a bit of pain.  They’re giving her morphine for it.

My favorite part of the whole day has been giving her water, watching the level in the cup go down while she drinks, knowing that it’s going to stay down.  I am so relieved!  We are both very tired as you can imagine.

Thanks again for all of your support throughout this week!

-Tom 🙂

Well here’s the big news.  She is having the gallbladder removed today.  She is tentatively scheduled for 2:15pm today but it could be later because her surgery has been added onto the original schedule.  So it could be later in the day depending on how the others go.

For those of you who are dying to know, we did get a second opinion from her OBGYN, and her opinion is the same as the doctors here at St. Joe.  Plus she reassured us of the skill and surgical talent here as well so Natina and I feel really good about the decision.

Please keep praying for us.  We need the continued support and prayer from all of you!  The Facebook comments, texts and emails are really helpful.  Thank you all for being there for us when we’ve needed it!

Please pray blessing over the surgeons as well, keep their hands steady and their mind’s sharp!

The procedure is called Laparoscopy.  This is a minimally invasive surgery that has a very quick recovery time and is the lowest risk surgery from mom and baby.  It will leave three to four very small scars that should heal up really well and may not even be noticeable at all.

Please leave a comment with a prayer or blessing for Natina and I’ll make sure she reads them or at least hears them.

Bless you!


Natina’s Condition…

Hello all.  Thank you everyone who has called me, texted and emailed concerning Natina’s health.

For those of you who don’t know what’s going on here’s the run down and the most current information.

On Wednesday Natina started vomiting about every hour.  At first we thought it might be the flu since it’s flu season and we were just at Onething with a whole bunch of people.  But by Thursday she had lost about five pounds and was still vomiting consistently every hour.

So we went to the ER to get her some fluids and see what the Dr’s would tell us.  They got her stable with two liters of fluids, checked the baby’s heartbeat to make sure it was okay, and some nausea medicine called Zoflan.  They prescribed some Zoflan for her to take orally and we went home hoping she’d get over the flu or whatever it was.

Friday rolls around and she starts vomiting again.  So we called the OB Dr and asked what they thought.  Their thought was that since the Zoflan was taken orally and she was still vomiting the medicine wasn’t staying in her system long enough to take effect.  So they prescribed a different suppository type nausea med (I can’t remember the name.)

That didn’t work so we went back to the ER and waited… waited some more… then again… and finally we were admitted to the hospital (St. Joseph) for further treatment and observation (and another check on the baby).  At this point everyone thought it was a condition called hyperemesis which is basically fancy speak for vomits every hour… (grrr I knew that already)

So this continues on till today (please note that while she has been in the hospital the vomiting has been once ever four to six hours and she is on an IV with fluids and nutrients so she is feeling much better).  Today (01/04/2009) her lab work has come back and they did an ultrasound to check and make sure the baby was fine.  Natina got to see the baby which was awesome for her, I was getting some much needed sleep at home while this was going on, and they checked out her gall bladder.

Now we’re getting to the culprit.  What they found was that her gall bladder was filled up with “sludge” or really thick bile.  Basically what happens during a pregnancy is the level of cholesterol goes up (this is normal).  However in some women when the level of cholesterol goes up the gall bladder isn’t able to cope with it properly, this is called gall bladder disease.  Here’s more info at WebMD. (Please note Natina doesn’t have a gall stone but does have biliary sludge.)

Now we are trying to treat her based on what we know.  There are three different scenarios that could happen.

1) We are able to get her past this episode and regulate her diet to control how the gall bladder functions until the pregnancy is over.

2) Her symptoms continue over the next couple of days and we remove the gall bladder. (This is most likely.  The second trimester is a good time to do this type of surgery because the uterus is still fairly small and would not be bothered by the laparoscopic surgery.)

3) This is the one we don’t want.  We get her past this episode, and she is fine for awhile.  But then later in the third trimester her gall bladder starts bothering her again and will need to come out.  We don’t want this one because the uterus will be too large for laparoscopic surgery.  This means that they would have to do “open” surgery on her to remove the gall bladder.  At this time there is also elevated risk of miscarriage.

We are hoping and praying for the first scenario.  But the second scenario is the most likely.  I guess there is also a fourth and that would be for her to be completely healed by the Lord.  Ultimately everyone would prefer this one so keep praying!

Bless you all.  Thank you for your prayers and kind words.


It’s alive!!

We went to hear the baby’s heart beat yesterday (12/18/08).  pc170006It was pretty cool.  It seemed pretty fast too.  180-175 bpm.  The doctor didn’t seem to be concerned by the speed.  She said it was common for it to be so high.  Maybe it’ll be a punk rocker… hopefully not. 😉

The visit was really quick.  It was like check the heart beat, take a picture and then see the receptionist lady who will help you with how much the whole things going to cost.  And then when your feeling down or at least aware to how much having a baby is going to cost they blind side you with a bag of “free gifts” and the fact that your going to have to budget a whole bunch of money seems to melt away and you say, “Oooh goodie bag…”

We got a baby changing deal, so if I’m ever at your house and my baby “makes a present” I can change it right then and there on my handy baby changn’ mat.  (Oh yeah… wow)  There was also a baby bag of sorts (kinda small, I’m not really sure what it’s actually for) and some more pamphlets… I have no idea what to do with all of the pamphlets I’m getting.  I want to read them but there’s so many!

I’m looking forward to future visits to the Dr.  (Did I just say that?)  But getting to know our baby is fun, and exciting.

Thanks for stopping by,
