We are getting ready to go home. Dr. Huse (the obstetrician who has been taking care of her this week) has filled out all of Natina’s paper work for her PTO and disability leave for work. It’s amazing that T-Mobile is going to give (or at least consider) giving a part-time employee disability! Great job T-Mobile!

Now we’re waiting for the discharge papers to be written up and we’ll listen to some more fetal-heart-tones. Then we’ll be able to go home! I think they’re going to hook Natina up with some kind of liquid pain reliever, which is great since she has trouble with swallowing pills. Thanks again St. Joe! You guys have been great!

Again thank you all for your prayers and support while we’ve been in the hospital.  We love you all so much and are looking forward to seeing you.  I am so thankful for having friends that lift us up and encourage us so well in times of need.  Bless you!

Love and grace,
